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Senior Data Scientist: Machine Learning / AI

I am a data scientist with 7 years of experience as a freelancer in diverse industries. My mission is enabling my clients and the teams I work with to implement data-driven innovation, making the connection between use cases, algorithms, and the appropriate tech stack. I am mainly focused on machine learning from prototype to deployment, but my work also regularly involves optimization and data mining. Data-driven Innovation – end-to-end To make data-driven innovation succeed, I work with my clients in all phases of a data science project – including business case discovery, structuring of requirements, selecting appropriate methods, algorithms and tech stacks, and finally deployment and evaluation in production. Full Stack Data Science Full stack refers to the software engineer who is familiar with both the user-facing side and the backend infrastructure of software. Similarly, the full stack data scientist understands the analytics methods as well as user interaction and infrastructure needed to put it all into practice – a fitting description of my typical role in data science projects. I am especially interested in establishing software engineering best practices in the field of data science. Pragmatic AI Artificial Intelligence is currently both overhyped and underrated. We have seen some remarkable progress in AI capabilities, yet many companies struggle to put intelligent systems to work on everyday use cases. Work with me to go beyond the hype and connect business cases to technology – because many valuable, pragmatic cases for self-learning systems are within reach for your enterprise.

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A dynamic and forward-thinking Full-Stack/AI Solutions Engineer with over 20 years of diverse experience. Passionate about integrating cutting-edge AI technologies with full-stack development to create innovative, customer-focused solutions.

David Elbel’s unique trajectory in the field of software development, rooted in 20+ years of professional experience, is a testament to his talent, commitment, and passion for the craft. Starting as a systems administrator, he journeyed through an expansive terrain of technologies, languages, and frameworks, ultimately culminating in his current role as a Senior Full-Stack/AI Solutions Engineer. This multifaceted experience has forged a profound understanding of the tech ecosystem that is invaluable in today's rapidly evolving digital world. His developer story began with mastering Javascript in the early 2000s, followed by the adoption of Node.js in 2009. His continuous curiosity led him to freelance as a full-stack engineer where he showed not only his technical capabilities in leveraging diverse technologies like React, Vue, and Angular, but also his adeptness at Agile workflows, CI/CD pipelines, and end-to-end testing frameworks. This solid foundation has been key to his later accomplishments in the field of AI. Recently, as the CTO of StoryPrism, he achieved an impressive milestone by building an AI-driven screenplay web application platform. This project, leveraging OpenAI GPT-3 language models and image diffusion models, showcases his prowess in melding full-stack development with AI technologies to create innovative solutions. His work is testament to his creativity and forward-thinking, employing technologies like NextJS, Typescript, Python, GraphQL, and many more to achieve results. His passion and determination to push boundaries came to fruition in the creation of a fully functional ChatGPT clone. This remarkable accomplishment demonstrated his command over Python and his ability to work with emerging AI generative technologies. It also reflected his robust full-stack development background, and his ability to bring the two worlds together. David's uniqueness lies in his ability to provide a 360-degree solution to problems, with experience in both software development and AI. This unique mix of skills makes him invaluable to any team, especially in today’s AI-driven world where having a robust understanding of both realms is becoming increasingly crucial. His years of experience and the breadth of his skills, combined with his creativity and customer-focused approach, set him apart as a distinguished developer. His resume speaks to a developer who is always at the forefront of new technologies, consistently exploring, learning, and pushing boundaries.