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Qui embauche

Dialpad Company's logo


San Francisco 2011

Dialpad designs groundbreaking, truly unified products—all powered by the most advanced communications Ai in the world. We make it easy for teams big and small to call, message, meet, and support their customers in one beautiful workspace. We’re connecting teams across the planet Dialpad for Good has championed over 650 businesses through the Dialpad for Startups, Tech for Black Founders, and Nonprofit programs. We’re dedicated to transforming the way everyone can work together.

Vectara Company's logo


San Francisco 2020

Vectara’s mission is to help the world find meaning through search. The company uses the latest innovations in artificial intelligence and neural network technologies for natural language processing to deliver unparalleled search relevance. The way people search is changing. We believe that search in every application - SaaS app, mobile app, e-commerce site, media property, website, enterprise data-lake and beyond - will be powered by semantic search within the next five years. As AI powers search, search itself will provide the primary response for almost every question, by both human and application requests, for information retrieval, related content, recommendations, and user intent across documents, image, video and voice.

PolyAI Company's logo


London 2017

PolyAI builds enterprise voice assistants that carry on natural conversations with customers to solve their problems. Our voice assistants understand customers, regardless of what they say or how they say it. We serve enterprises where customer conversation is an important part of doing business. Our customers include some of the leading names in banking, hospitality, insurance, retail, and telecommunications. Our enterprise clients deploy PolyAI voice assistants to cut down on wait times and free up live staff to focus on calls requiring empathy and judgment. As a result, our enterprise clients see improved customer satisfaction, employee retention and operational efficiency. PolyAI was born in the same University of Cambridge lab that pioneered speech recognition. Together, we have published over 200 papers which have been cited over 12,000 times, and registered 6 patents with 3 more pending. PolyAI has previously been recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Conversational AI, by Forbes in the 2023 AI 50 list, and by CB Insights in the 2021 AI 100 list. PolyAI has been featured in Bloomberg, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes and TechCrunch.

Spellbook Company's logo


Toronto 2022

We're on a mission to make legal services more affordable & accessible, while helping lawyers do more of the work they love. In 2022, we launched Spellbook, the first generative AI copilot for lawyers, taking the legal industry by storm. Spellbook helps lawyers quickly draft language, flag risks, and derive insights from legal documents. We've been been scaling to keep up with demand ever since and have just closed a major round of financing. We’re excited to bring highly motivated teammates onboard who are passionate about adding real customer value, getting their hands dirty, and sweating the small stuff.

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