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- 98% response rate.
- Connect with talented developers who are eager and ready to start working with you.
- 34% open-source contributors.
- Find developers who have openly proven their skills via GitHub contributions and Kaggle competitions.
Frequently asked questions
- Do you offer custom plans?
- Not at the moment. However, we are working on creating customized plans for employers in need of something from our standard plan.
- How does the 10% hiring fee work?
- You are required to pay a 10% hiring fee of a developer's first-year salary if you find them through GPTDevs. This only applies to hiring full-time employees and not contractors or freelancers. Email us to coordinate payment at: [email protected].
- Can I send multiple interview invites if I have multiple positions to fill?
- Yes. You can communicate with multiple candidates and send multiple interview invites for various dev positions.
- Is the interview and hiring process organized on GPTDevs?
- You can message candidates on GPTDevs and arrange the interview and subsequent steps via third-party platforms.
- Can I cancel or pause my subscription?
- Yes. Use the billing link from the profile dropdown to cancel or pause your subscription. You will no longer have access to paid features at the end of your current billing period.
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Send us an email at: [email protected]
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